Wheatgrass Mango Pineapple Protein Smoothie

Tropical fruits such as mango and pineapple can add unique flavor and a variety of nutrients to your smoothie.

The one cup of raw mango supplies 25 percent of the daily value of vitamin A, which helps with night vision. Vitamin A also helps maintain the skin and mucosal cells, which are the first cells to fight infection.

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How to Have 105 Minutes of Physical Activity While Not at the Gym

Life is challenging as it is. We have tons of things to do at work and home. Life has become so hectic that the majority of us doesn’t have much time left (or we think we don’t) to do any physical activity. We spent our days sitting in a car, bus or at work in front of a desk.

View More How to Have 105 Minutes of Physical Activity While Not at the Gym