How to start believing in yourself and the benefits once it happen

Has this happened to you? You have two people doing the same work, and on the same level. Person A works as hard (and well) as person B, but still person B handles to have a salary higher then person A…WHY? Well I am sure this person B self belief or confidence, if you  like to call it this way, has let person B to convince his/her superiors that person B is so good that person B got the salary raise. Person A at the other hand prefers to do his/her job quietly, because he/she doesn’t want to bother his/her superiors. Still I am sure person A would have like the raise, but doesn’t have the courage to fight for it.

If you are like person A you need to start working on your self belief. People were made out to be this beautiful, amazing and creative being capable of truly magnificent things, but allot of people have let life break them. There are many different reasons why a person stop believing in themselves, but here is the thing. We should not give up, we should fight to get our self believe back. If you don’t belief in yourself, many things will pass you by in this life. We are our own greatest enemies when it comes to reaching our own potential. Our lack of belief in our self is one of the main obstacles of our failures. There are many people walking around that have the potential to do great things , but their self belief is so low that they don’ t have the courage or means to reach this.

If you are one of those persons that has trouble believing in themselves, here are some bullet-points to help you strengthen your self belief.


1 – Things You Must Stop Doing Today to Believe In Yourself

  • Not protecting your Heart
  • Allowing garbage in your mind
  • Not knowing what goal in life is
  • Not training your belief system
  • Allowing the word “No” to impact/break you
  • Allowing failure to stop you from moving forward
  • Not accepting compliments
  • Doing everything by your own
  • Hang around negative people
  • Give up when it gets tough



2 – How to believe in yourself again

  • Think about your past success
  • Trust yourself
  • Don’t let fear stop you
  • Be persistent, never give up
  • Focus on the positive and go with a positive attitude
  • Keep moving forward and never look back
  • Keep learning and growing
  • Live up to your own expectations, not anyone else’s
  • Stop comparing yourself to other people
  • Do things that are hard not things that are simple
  • Pay attention to your appearance and hygiene
  • Nourish your body with healthy food
  • Exercise every day
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Maintain a pleasant environment
  • Hang around positive people, people that will inspire and motivate you.


3 – What will happen when you start to believe in yourself

  • You become self-confident
  • You become less judgmental
  • You can actually do more
  • You inspire yourself to take action
  • You inspire others to believe in you
  • You handle criticism more objectively
  • You increase your power of persistence
  • You attract miracles
  • You become more disciplined
  • You form positive attitude required to success
  • You realize failure is part of the process and temporary
  • You build better relationships




Once you you belief in yourself you will be amazed of the brand new world that will open up to you with all the good things you were born to have, experience and enjoy. Finally Joel Osteen put all the perfect words together in this one phrase “I believe that God has put gifts and talents and ability on the inside of every one of us. When you develop that and you believe in yourself and you believe that you’re a person of influence and a person of purpose, I believe you can rise up out of any situation.”



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