Beets Strawberry Zinger Smoothie

Beets Strawberry Zinger Smoothie

About the benefits of the ingredients


This Beets Strawberry Zinger Smoothie is a combination of beets and two fruits which results in a nutritional smoothie with an amazing taste. The addition of basil and the coconut water makes this smoothie even more irresistible.  It will leave you begging for more and more.

Beet are highly nutritious and “cardiovascular health” friendly root vegetables. Certain unique pigment antioxidants in the root as well as in its top-greens have been found to offer protection against coronary artery disease and stroke, lower cholesterol levels within the body, and have anti-aging effects.

Bananas are a very good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Bananas are further a good source of manganese, dietary fiber, biotin, and copper.  Copper is an interesting mineral and we want to include this time some additional information about copper, because normally you don't hear much about its health benefits. Copper is a key mineral in many different body systems. It is central to building strong tissue, maintaining blood volume, and producing energy in your cells. According to; "for all its critical importance, you don't have much copper in your body—barely more than the amount found in a single penny. And those pennies in your pocket are only 2.5% copper by weight."

Strawberry Delicious, rich-red, sweet, yet gently tangy strawberries are among the most popular berries. These berries are native to Europe, however, nowadays cultivated in many temperate regions all over the world as an important commercial crop. Botanically, the plant is a low-growing


Beets Strawberry Zinger Snoothie


What do you need?
Beets Strawberry Zinger Smoothie
  1. Add all ingredients in a blender, and mix until smooth consistency. If you don't have a powerful blender feel free to use cooked red beets. This smoothie tends to separate quickly.
  2. If you want your smoothie a bit sweeter, feel free to add a tbsp of honey.
  3. Pour the smoothie in your favorite glass and add the a couple of hemp seeds on top to garnish.


Beets Strawberry Zinger Smoothie


Organic Hemp Seeds
From Sunburst Superfoods - Price $8.97
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